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Learn Data Mining with Rattle and R: The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery

Data Mining with Rattle and R: A Free and Easy Way to Discover Insights from Your Data

Data mining is the art and science of intelligent data analysis. By building knowledge from information, data mining adds considerable value to the ever increasing stores of electronic data that abound today. Data mining can help you uncover hidden patterns, trends, relationships, and insights from your data, which can lead to better decision making, improved performance, enhanced customer satisfaction, and increased profitability.

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However, data mining is not an easy task. It requires a lot of skills, tools, and techniques to perform effectively. You need to understand the nature and quality of your data, choose the right methods and algorithms for your problem, apply them correctly and efficiently, evaluate their results, and communicate them clearly. Moreover, you need to deal with the challenges of handling large, complex, noisy, heterogeneous, dynamic, and distributed data sources.

Fortunately, there is a free and easy way to do data mining: using Rattle and R. Rattle is a graphical user interface (GUI) for data mining that is built on top of the powerful and popular R statistical software. Rattle allows you to perform data mining tasks without writing any code, by providing a user-friendly interface that guides you through the entire process of data mining. You can easily load your data, explore it visually, transform it, build models, evaluate them, export them, generate reports, and more. All with a few clicks of your mouse.

Rattle also gives you access to the rich set of features and functions that R offers for data analysis. You can use any of the thousands of packages that are available for R for various purposes, such as machine learning, visualization, text mining, web scraping, etc. You can also write your own code in R if you want to customize or extend the functionality of Rattle. You can even combine both approaches: use Rattle for some tasks and use R code for others.

In this article, we will show you how to use Rattle and R for data mining. We will cover the following topics:

  • Getting started with Rattle and R

  • Building models with Rattle and R

  • Delivering results with Rattle and R

By the end of this article, you will be able to perform data mining with Rattle and R in a free and easy way, and discover insights from your data that can help you achieve your goals.

Getting Started with Rattle and R

Before you can use Rattle and R for data mining, you need to install them on your computer. Here are the steps to do that:

  • Download and install R from Choose the version that matches your operating system (Windows, Mac, or Linux).

  • Download and install RStudio from This is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R that makes it easier to work with R code and packages.

  • Open RStudio and install the rattle package by typing the following command in the console: install.packages("rattle"). This will download and install the rattle package and its dependencies from the CRAN repository.

  • Load the rattle package by typing the following command in the console: library(rattle). This will load the rattle package and its functions into your R session.

  • Launch Rattle by typing the following command in the console: rattle(). This will open the Rattle GUI in a separate window.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and launched Rattle and R. Now you are ready to explore its interface and features.

The Rattle GUI consists of several tabs, each corresponding to a different stage of the data mining process. The tabs are:

  • Data: This is where you load your data into Rattle. You can choose from various sources, such as CSV files, ARFF files, ODBC connections, etc. You can also view some basic information about your data, such as its dimensions, variables, types, summary statistics, etc.

  • Explore: This is where you explore your data visually using various plots and graphs. You can choose from different types of plots, such as histograms, boxplots, scatterplots, etc. You can also select which variables to plot and how to group them. You can also interact with the plots using your mouse or keyboard.

  • Transform: This is where you transform your data to make it suitable for modeling. You can perform various operations on your data, such as filtering, sampling, recoding, binning, imputing, etc. You can also create new variables or delete existing ones.

  • Model: This is where you build your models using different algorithms and techniques. You can choose from different types of models, such as cluster analysis, association analysis, decision trees, random forests, boosting, support vector machines, etc. You can also select which variables to use as inputs and outputs for your models.

  • Evaluate: This is where you evaluate your models using different metrics and methods. You can compare the performance of different models using confusion matrices, ROC curves, lift charts, etc. You can also test your models on new data or cross-validate them using different methods.

  • Export: This is where you export your models and data for further analysis or deployment. You can export your models as PMML files (Predictive Model Markup Language), which is a standard format for exchanging models between different tools and platforms. You can also export your data as CSV files or ARFF files.

  • Log: This is where you view the log of your actions and commands in Rattle. You can see what commands were executed by Rattle behind the scenes when you performed various tasks in the GUI. You can also copy and paste these commands into your own R scripts if you want to reproduce or modify them.

  • Execute: This is where you execute your own R code or commands in Rattle. You can type any valid R code or command in the text box and click on Execute to run it. You can also load or save your code from or to a file.

As you can see, Rattle provides a comprehensive and intuitive interface for data mining that covers all the stages of the process. You can easily switch between different tabs and tasks as you work on your data mining project. You can also use the Help menu to access various resources and documentation for Rattle and R.

Building Models with Rattle and R

Now that you have learned how to use Rattle and R for data mining, let's see how to build some models with them. We will use a sample dataset that comes with Rattle called weatherAUS.csv. This dataset contains daily weather observations from various locations in Australia from 2007 to 2017 . The dataset contains 23 variables, such as location, date, temperature, humidity, wind, pressure, rainfall, etc. The target variable is RainTomorrow, which indicates whether it rained the next day or not. We will use this dataset to demonstrate how to build two types of models with Rattle and R: a descriptive model using cluster analysis and a predictive model using decision trees.

How to build a descriptive model using cluster analysis

A descriptive model is a model that summarizes or describes the main characteristics or patterns of a dataset. It does not aim to predict an outcome, but rather to understand the structure or distribution of the data. One of the most common types of descriptive models is cluster analysis, which is a technique that groups similar data points into clusters based on their features or attributes. Cluster analysis can help you discover natural segments or categories in your data, such as customer segments, product groups, market regions, etc.

To perform cluster analysis with Rattle and R, follow these steps:

  • Load the weatherAUS.csv dataset into Rattle by clicking on the Data tab and selecting CSV from the Data Source drop-down menu. Then click on Browse and locate the file on your computer. Then click on Execute.

  • Explore the dataset by clicking on the Explore tab and selecting Summary from the Explore Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a table that shows some summary statistics for each variable in the dataset, such as mean, median, minimum, maximum, etc. You can also view other types of plots by selecting them from the Explore Type drop-down menu.

  • Transform the dataset by clicking on the Transform tab and selecting Recode from the Transform Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a table that shows the current values and types of each variable in the dataset. You can change the values or types of any variable by clicking on it and editing it in the pop-up window. For example, you can change the type of RainTomorrow from factor to numeric by clicking on it and selecting numeric from the Type drop-down menu. You can also create new variables or delete existing ones by using the buttons at the bottom of the table.

  • Build a cluster model by clicking on the Model tab and selecting Cluster from the Model Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a window that allows you to choose various options for your cluster model, such as number of clusters, distance measure, clustering method, etc. For this example, we will use the default options: 3 clusters, Euclidean distance, K-means method. You can also select which variables to use for clustering by checking or unchecking them in the Variables box.

  • Evaluate your cluster model by clicking on the Evaluate tab and selecting Cluster from the Evaluate Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a plot that shows how your data points are assigned to different clusters based on their features. You can also view other types of plots by selecting them from the Plot Type drop-down menu.

Congratulations! You have successfully built a descriptive model using cluster analysis with Rattle and R. You can now interpret your results and see what insights you can gain from them. For example, you can see how different locations have different weather patterns based on their clusters. You can also see how different variables affect the clustering results by changing them in the Model tab and re-running the analysis.

How to build a predictive model using decision trees

A predictive model is a model that predicts an outcome or a target variable based on some input or predictor variables. It aims to find a relationship or a function that maps the input variables to the output variable. One of the most common types of predictive models is decision trees, which are graphical representations of rules or conditions that lead to different outcomes or decisions. Decision trees can help you classify or regress your data based on simple or complex criteria.

To perform decision tree analysis with Rattle and R, follow these steps:

  • Load the weatherAUS.csv dataset into Rattle by clicking on the Data tab and selecting CSV from the Data Source drop-down menu. Then click on Browse and locate the file on your computer. Then click on Execute.

  • Explore the dataset by clicking on the Explore tab and selecting Summary from the Explore Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a table that shows some summary statistics for each variable in the dataset, such as mean, median, minimum, maximum, etc. You can also view other types of plots by selecting them from the Explore Type drop-down menu.

  • Transform the dataset by clicking on the Transform tab and selecting Recode from the Transform Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a table that shows the current values and types of each variable in the dataset. You can change the values or types of any variable by clicking on it and editing it in the pop-up window. For example, you can change the type of RainTomorrow from factor to numeric by clicking on it and selecting numeric from the Type drop-down menu. You can also create new variables or delete existing ones by using the buttons at the bottom of the table.

  • Build a decision tree model by clicking on the Model tab and selecting Tree from the Model Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a window that allows you to choose various options for your decision tree model, such as splitting criterion, pruning method, complexity parameter, etc. For this example, we will use the default options: Gini index, cost-complexity pruning, 0.01 complexity parameter. You can also select which variables to use as inputs and outputs for your model by checking or unchecking them in the Input and Target boxes.

  • Evaluate your decision tree model by clicking on the Evaluate tab and selecting Tree from the Evaluate Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a plot that shows your decision tree model and its rules or conditions for predicting RainTomorrow. You can also view other types of plots by selecting them from the Plot Type drop-down menu.

Congratulations! You have successfully built a predictive model using decision tree analysis with Rattle and R. You can now interpret your results and see how well your model performs on predicting RainTomorrow based on various weather features. For example, you can see how different variables affect the prediction accuracy by changing them in the Model tab and re-running the analysis.

Delivering Results with Rattle and R

After you have built your models with Rattle and R, you may want to deliver your results to others for further analysis or deployment. Rattle and R provide various options for exporting your models and data in different formats and platforms. Here are some of the ways you can deliver your results with Rattle and R:

  • Export your models as PMML files by clicking on the Export tab and selecting PMML from the Export Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a window that allows you to choose a file name and location for saving your PMML file. PMML stands for Predictive Model Markup Language, which is a standard XML-based format for exchanging models between different tools and platforms. You can use PMML files to deploy your models in other applications or environments that support PMML.

  • Export your data as CSV files or ARFF files by clicking on the Export tab and selecting CSV or ARFF from the Export Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a window that allows you to choose a file name and location for saving your CSV or ARFF file. CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values, which is a simple text-based format for storing tabular data. ARFF stands for Attribute-Relation File Format, which is a text-based format for storing data with attributes and relations. You can use CSV or ARFF files to import your data into other tools or platforms that support these formats.

  • Generate reports and graphs using Rattle and R by clicking on the Report tab and selecting HTML or PDF from the Report Type drop-down menu. Then click on Execute. You will see a window that allows you to choose a file name and location for saving your HTML or PDF report. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, which is a standard web-based format for displaying documents with text, images, links, etc. PDF stands for Portable Document Format, which is a standard print-based format for displaying documents with text, images, graphics, etc. You can use HTML or PDF reports to share your results with others in a clear and concise way.

  • Access additional resources and support for data mining with Rattle and R by clicking on the Help menu and selecting various options, such as User Guide, Rattle Website, Rattle Package, R Website, etc. You will see a window that opens the corresponding website or document for providing more information and guidance on using Rattle and R for data mining. You can also use the Help menu to check for updates, report bugs, or provide feedback on Rattle and R.

As you can see, Rattle and R provide various ways to deliver your results to others for further analysis or deployment. You can choose the best option for your needs and preferences, and easily export your models and data in different formats and platforms.


In this article, we have shown you how to use Rattle and R for data mining. We have covered the following topics:

  • What is data mining and why is it important?

  • What are the challenges and benefits of data mining with R?

  • What is Rattle and how does it help with data mining?

  • How to install and launch Rattle and R on your computer

  • How to load, explore, transform, model, evaluate, and export your data with Rattle and R

  • How to build a descriptive model using cluster analysis with Rattle and R

  • How to build a predictive model using decision tree analysis with Rattle and R

  • How to deliver your results with Rattle and R in different formats and platforms

By following this article, you will be able to perform data mining with Rattle and R in a free and easy way, and discover insights from your data that can help you achieve your goals. You will also be able to use the rich set of features and functions that R offers for data analysis, as well as write your own code in R if you want to customize or extend the functionality of Rattle. You will also be able to access various resources and support for data mining with Rattle and R.

Data mining is a powerful technique that can help you uncover hidden patterns, trends, relationships, and insights from your data, which can lead to better decision making, improved performance, enhanced customer satisfaction, and increased profitability. With Rattle and R, you can perform data mining in a free and easy way, without writing any code, by using a user-friendly interface that guides you through the entire process of data mining. You can also use any of the thousands of packages that are available for R for various purposes, such as machine learning, visualization, text mining, web scraping, etc. You can also write your own code in R if you want to customize or extend the functionality of Rattle. You can even combine both approaches: use Rattle for some tasks and use R code for others.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new from it. We encourage you to try out data mining with Rattle and R and see what insights you can gain from your data. You can download the weatherAUS.csv dataset from the Rattle website or use any other dataset of your choice. You can also find more datasets and examples for data mining with Rattle and R on the Kaggle website or the GitHub repository . You can also check out the book Data Mining with Rattle and R: The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery by Graham Williams for more information and guidance on using Rattle and R for data mining. FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about data mining with Rattle and R:

  • What are some of the advantages of using Rattle over other data mining tools?

Some of the advantages of using Rattle over other data mining tools are:

  • Rattle is free and open source, which means you don't have to pay any license fees or subscriptions to use it.

  • Rattle is easy to use, which means you don't have to write any code or learn any complex syntax to perform data mining tasks.

Rattle is built on top of R, which means you can access the rich set of features and functions that


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